Nurses Guide Microbes, towards second edition

“There must be something in any host why the which makes the clinical picture so diverse” , Marc Bonten, medical microbiologists, Medical University Utrecht, Netherlands. Only overtime we will truly learn what happened and is happening in the #COVID19 pandemic, these are very exciting time and can’t oversee the puzzle yet, the virus is still new and hard to predict what directions it will go and what direction to take to respond right. So many question ! But on the other hand, we can't wait to professionally anticipate pandemics again. In April 2019, the ESNO published a nursing textbook on microbes, vaccination #AMR and infection control, just during the time when the pandemic was spreading. Now, six months later, it is time for a second version, but even now, in the period that knowledge is still being acquired, publications appear and vaccinations are under development. In this 2nd version, a group of 15 European nursing experts is busy adapting the textboo...