Nurses Guide Microbes, towards second edition

“There must be something in any host
why the which makes the clinical picture so diverse”
Marc Bonten, medical microbiologists, Medical University Utrecht, Netherlands.   

Only overtime we will truly learn what happened and is happening in the #COVID19 pandemic, these are very exciting time and can’t oversee the puzzle yet, the virus is still new and hard to predict what directions it will go and what direction to take to respond right. So many question ! 

But on the other hand, we can't wait to professionally anticipate pandemics again. In April 2019, the ESNO published a nursing textbook on microbes, vaccination #AMR and infection control, just during the time when the pandemic was spreading. Now, six months later, it is time for a second version, but even now, in the period that knowledge is still being acquired, publications appear and vaccinations are under development. In this 2nd version, a group of 15 European nursing experts is busy adapting the textbook and wondering whether we should not tell more about the natural immune system of man and where the immune system can get a boost. But also about #AMR nurse with examples of how they contribute to reducing overuse of antibiotics and infection control. The protective measures, how can we prevent transmission by better delineating areas and using the correct disinfection materials, when should you focus heavily on disinfectant and when is soap sufficient. Ultimately, it is appropriate for the nurse to receive regular training and to be a guide to each other and especially to the patients.

  • About our immune system and if it’s trained enough to act as they should?
  • Have we explained enough about the B-Cells, the memory cells?
  • About the responding T-Cells and if the T-Cells have the right interpretation?
  • Why males have more often a chain response and over reacting tsunami on cytokines causing more damages as do more harm than good?
  • Why the vaccine against TBC, by inoculation of the ‘Bacillus Calmette-Guerin’(BCG) triggers the immune system for other viruses?
  • What happened with the lymph’s of a number of patient who died and had no mature B-cells at all , with the question if people need more gradually contamination before the response is effective?    

The update of the Second edition the following issues will included

o   Related to Microbes (Module-1)

  1. Zoonosis: what is it
  2. Virology and Epidemiology, Infection Control: explain professional domains
  3. Aerosols: Size of viruses, explain what some masks do and don’t.
  4. Touching shorty microbes related to environment and global health: enlargement of cities, animals invading cities, the impact of live wild animal markets … (touch one-health)
  5. Explain about is COVID-19 but in general terms, the guide is not only about COVID19
  6. What is a pandemic and what are the phases of a pandemic and zoonotic spill-over.

Related to AMR (Module4)

  1. Towards a AMR Nurses profile

Related to PPE (Module-5)

  1. How to perform a nasopharyngeal swab well
  2. Transmission by aerosols, the rational use of masks, and protection of healthcare workers
  3. Negative-pressure ventilation isolation rooms
  4. Practical Steps to Improve Air Flow in Long-Term care resident and schools to reduce virus spreading and infection Risk
  5. Management of clean and dirty pathways
  6. Virus management at home: distance from other family members, use individual cutlery and dishes, bathroom.
  7. About social distancing
  8. Role of nurses in educating the population in the use of masks and gloves and the principles of health
  9. Using the correct anti-septic material , when high anti microbial and when normal soap. 




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