
Showing posts from December, 2018

Just released, the Dutch version of the ESNO Nurses Biosimilar guide.

Great news for Nurses in the Netherlands. The Nurses Information and Communication Guide on Biosimilars in Dutch 'Beleid voor switchen tussen gelijkwaardige biologische geneesmiddelen'Communicatie- en informatiegids voor verpleegkundigen. De volledige gids is to downloaden onder deze LINK De ESNO is opgericht om een effectief kader te bieden voor communicatie en samenwerking tussen de Europese organisaties van gespecialiseerde verpleegkundigen, en om de belangen van gespecialiseerde verpleegkundigen in Europa te bevorderen en vertegenwoordigen. De gidsen (Engels en Nederlands) zijn in boekvorm beschikbaar en op te vragen door een verzoek te sturen naar het kantoor van ESNO in Brussel. Over het 'Hoe en waarom' deze gids tot stand kwam' Dit is eigenlijk heel interessant, omdat het een voorbeeld is hoe verpleegkundig leiderschap vorm krijgt. Het begint bij de EMA, het Europees Agentschap voor Medicatie. Ze hebben een gids gemaakt voor...

Survey on AMR innitated by ECDC, Specialist Nurses involvement

Special announcement on ECDC Survey January 2019 on Antimicrobial Resistance with key role for Specialist Nurses. In the collaboration with European Medicine Agency (EMA), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) on the topic Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), ESNO participated in the development of a ECDC-funded survey to assess Healthcare Workers knowledge and attitudes about antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. Our involvement was the Specialist Nurses view. The aim is to have an overall return of 10,000+ responses across the EU and EEA member. The Survey will be published in January 2019.  The overall objective of the study for ECDC is to fill in gaps in terms of evaluation of communication campaigns targeting healthcare workers and to gain a better understanding of their knowledge and perceptions to provide a base to support future needs in terms of policy and education changes. As ESNO representing European Specialist Nurses with the ECDC, we ...

A 'Touch of Brussels for Nurses' 2019

In collaboration with European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE), ESNO organises prior to the ESNO congress 2019 #ESNO2019 an introduction on Brussels and the Euroepan Health environment.  "A Touch of Brussels for Nurses" The objective is for those nurses to learn about the European environment from a novice perspective or for those already some familiar with a network. For them to learn more on the mechanisms and dynamics of the European Union and Europe and to get inspired to be engaged in ESNO. We have composed an interested program especially for nurses with guest speakers interested getting to know the nurses as well.  - Attending is free of charge.  - Venue: Office HOPE, Avenue Marnix 30, 1000 Brussels, Metro station: Trone - because a maximum of 25 persons, after regirstration you will receive an confirmation and invitation.    Register here ,  Draft program : 12:00  Lunch 13:00 Introduction of the day: Purpose ...

“The Specialist Nurse in European Healthcare towards 2030"

“The Specialist Nurse in European Healthcare towards 2030" Because of rapid increasing interest of the specialist and advanced nurses’ role in European health, ESNO members has decided and based on advices of partners to change and broaden the original title of the ESNO congress 2019 and proceed on the this, including outcomes for the next three congress to come in 2021 and 2020 in Brussels and same location. The morning focusses on setting the scene with discussions and debates with participants and the afternoon following this with input of ESNO members. With your participation you contribute to the future position, role and profession of your position in local, regional, national and European health context. Objective is to clarify the role of the Specialist Nurses in Healthcare 2030 by discussing their contribution and position to major health developments. Plenary sessions aim to lay out the developments, opportunities and barriers as these appear today and future in Ble...