ESNO, Nurses Guide on AMR and Vaccination

In process, the ESNO Nurses Information and Education Guide on Anti Microbial Resistance (AMR) and Vaccination 

Regarding  the current role of nurses in combatting antimicrobial resistance (AMR), ESNO regards that thus far there had been a lack of involvement of specialist nurses on this issue and that there is great potential to increase involvement in the areas of antimicrobial stewardship, surveillance of the incidence of drug-resistant infections and education of patients on this topic. ESNO aims to raise awareness and educate nurses on this topic; equipping nurses to tackle AMR is now a top priority for the organisation. In addition, this initiative also acts as an extension of a request from the European Commission to ESNO to play an active role on AMR and Vaccination 

On the vaccination, in recent years, ESNO has observed a significant increase in infectious diseases that could be prevented by vaccination. This increase was also accompanied by serious outbreaks, resulting in the deaths of people young and old, including healthy young people.
Not only has this come at great human cost, but it has had a paralysing effect on health systems. We can see a particularly strong impact from diseases such as influenza, rubella and measles, for example.

This has prompted ESNO to take a position on this problem by promoting vaccination with an emphasis on information and education. Far too many misconceptions or misleading information is circulated, even among by health professionals, including nurses and in the medical profession. We have seen complete hospital wards shut down and operations postponed, as well as absenteeism in schools and workplaces with a knock-on impact on families and wider society. For this reason ESNO is in the process of creating a multi-lingual Information and Education Guide for Nurses, following the recommendations and call for action by the European Commission the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)  and  initiatives of industry, Vaccines Today, and the International Council of Nurses (ICN).

During the ESNO General assembly, the ESNO members decided to adopt AMR as a key issue to address accompanied by Vaccination. Both of these topics are interconnected. For this reason, ESNO is making an Information and Communication Guide for Nurses which will be split into four modules: 1) Microbes, 2) Antibiotics and Vaccines, 3) AMR and 4) Vaccination. This Guide will be created in collaboration with a number of ESNO members along with European and global health institutes such as the International Council of Nurses (ICN), World Health Organisation (WHO), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (JAMRAI), PA International and European health NGO’s. The finalisation of this Guide is scheduled for the end of April 2019 during European Vaccination Awarness week and will be accompanied by activities on social media.  

ESNO Publications:
  • Publication in European Parliament Magazine"By ensuring antimicrobial management is considered within the remit of nursing expertise, healthcare institutions will be able to take a true multidisciplinary approach to tackling AMR"
  • Vacccine Today, Nurses and Vaccination "Improving vaccination rates: engage with nurses. ‘Nurses’ fascination with microorganisms can be harnessed to improve public understanding of infectious diseases – a new course on AMR and vaccines could help."
  • ESNO Position on AMR - published during JAMRAI stakeholders event 9 November, Vienna
  • ESNO Position on Vaccine - published at EU-JAV Kick-off meeting 4 September, Paris
Publications on AMR and Nurses

  • ……...
ESNO Activies
  • 4 September Joined Action Vaccination (EU-VAC) Kick-off in Paris
  • 21 September, ESNO Focus Group AMR-Vaccination at Commission Building, Brussels
  • 8-9 November, Joined Action AMR (JAMRAI), Vienna
  • 15 November, participate in AMR awarenss-day
  • End January, ESNO focus group, Commission Buidling, Luxemburg


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