UPDATE - 3-10-2018, ESNO AMR-Vacciantion Guide

ESNO update 

Dear ESNO members, members of the AMR-Vaccination Nurses Guide focus group and those shared their interest to contribute

Working Group ESNO AMR-Vaccination Guide

The 21th September we were invited by the Commission to have the first meeting at their venue, and this was a success. We have managed to finalise the content and started to include names with field of lead per section: work to be done. In this mail we are sharing this document to you and update you on the project. Before starting we did a tour de table and Charles Price gave wordings of welcome

Present FLTR: Charles Price (DG Sante), Yves Brandt (EPHA), Ber Oomen (ESNO) Patrick Crombez (EONS), Jeanette Verkerk (EAUN) Maria Teresa Parisotto (EDTNA-ERCA) Johan de Munter (EONS) Judith Perez Gomez (Vaccine Europe) 

Charles Price welcomed us to DG Sante and explained why they see our contribution as very relevant. To their impression, what you do is a great example how civil -the specialist nurses- society is engaging, very important issue. Their greatest concern is a tendency of a pandemic resistance of bacteria to medication, despite all new developments. To them it is a difficult but also complex matter they work so hard on with partners such as agencies what to do. They see for example in Italian Intensive Care that the resistance is so critical that it is increasing difficult to take difficult clinical decisions. “We need to collect best practices but also address prevention such as hygiene. With good hygiene 20% to 40% of AMR cases are preventable. For us it is very relevant to see that health professionals are getting involved with education, training, awareness, in stewardship program and so on. In Europe we represent the national institutes and there is a lot of attention and campaigning, but we cannot do this without initiatives from the professionals and for this reason we like t encourage the European Specialist Nurses. The guide you are working on, we strongly believe this would contribute and from our part we would very much support your program in our capacity and abilities”. 

Because of the importance of the document, we have decided to extend the final publication a year further and give less time pressure. So instead of April 2019 to April 2020 and do this with a full sized congress with spcial role of thos members who particpated. For this congress first innitiatives and activities will start soon.

In the attachment you find the content in a PDF and on every sub-issue there is a number. On every chapter we have also names or associations in mind to have a role. Please have a look at it and let us know where you would like to contribute. 

Important question, do we have already funding? The answer is unfortunatly in this stage no. The next question is we should go ahead without funding? The answer of the group is a full YES, because while building this guide, we expect that we will be noticed and will expect organisations willing to engage in our program. Our intention and conviction are when we all get involved and participating, the impact might be greater that the great relevance and will also reflect on specialist nurses’ impact in health. The main funding targets in this early stage are 1) travel / venue for participnats and 2) editor, this is critical as our start. We are in process with possible funders and foundation with AMR and Vaccination in their focus. We also reach out to pharma industry but this as a last resort. For your information, the mail is send in a BCC and the list is 62 persons and organization interesed to stay tuned and not mailed 6 significant European health organisation willing to support or endorse our project from their cappacity.

Timeline short term:
1 December 2018 : collect text on as most fields as possible
15 January 2019 : compose a first draft
1 February 2019: next meeting

Extra activities:
15 November it is AMR awarness day in Brussesl and ESNO wil be there, good to stay tuned on Twitter with this @ECDC_EU ,  #EAAD2018
8-9 November, General Assembly on the JAMRAY, Joined Action on AMR in Vienna https://eu-jamrai.eu/
21 February 2019 , ESNO congress where this project also will be addressed, feel free to register soon. http://www.esno.org/esno-congress.html

Here after, the individual ESNO members and those interested to participate on their expert cappacity, wil be contacted personal on their contribution.
Hoping having you informed enough in this stage.

For any questions or remarks, feel free to contact
With kind regards,
Project leads
Jeanette Verkerk and Ber Oomen


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