Press Release of ESNO on Corona virus #COVID19


Date:                    19-02-2020
Place:                   Brussels, Belgium
Subject:               Coronavirus outbreak

“Current and future virus infections outbreaks, European professional competencies under revision”

The current situation of the Coronavirus outbreak is creating a lot of pressure, including burnout, on all healthcare institutions especially on nurses who are the front liners, and those who are working in countries that are affected by the new COVID-19 virus. ESNO comments the ICN letter to colleague nurses in China[1]. Since it is a new Coronavirus, we do not yet know exactly its mode of transmission. However from the preliminary knowledge that we have, it seems to follow the same routes as the previous SARS virus way back in 2002 i.e via respiratory droplets when a person coughs and sneezes and also through the environment when people touch a contaminated surface and then touch their face (eyes and mouth) without disinfecting their hands. We regard it as an eminence importance that nurses are well equipped with information and educated correctly and  following guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO)[2] European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) [3]. The ESNO highlights the following recommendations:

-          One has to remember that our hands are much more dangerous to our health than anything else and therefore Health Care Workers (HCW)  need to educate the public about the importance of basic hygiene including cough etiquette.

-     Healthcare workers have to be well trained so that they do not get infected especially during removal of Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as in the case of the previous outbreak Ebola in West Africa where most of the HCW’s became infected during the PPE removal stage.

-          It is very important that all healthcare institutions support all nurses in terms of safety and preparedness when caring for such patients, otherwise we can end up in a situation whereby there will be limited nurses with relevant competences in taking care for patients and dealing with infection outbreaks.

On this topic an extra session will be included during the ESNO congress on February 20th, elaborating on the Corona Virus outbreak crisis; preventable measures nurses and health professionals can take; the relevance of the nurses’ role and those in advanced positions and use the Nurses Guide on Microbes[4]. This would stress the recognition of specialists nurses ability to set out infection prevention and control programs and projects .

The European Specialist Nurses Organisation (ESNO) is a non-profit organisation and the goal is to facilitate and provide an effective framework for communication and co-operation between the European Specialist Nurses Organisations and its constituent members. ESNO represents the mutual interests and benefits of these organisations to the wider European community in the interest of the public health. Members of ESNO consist of individual European specialist nurses organizations. – 0031-6-23343086
ESNO office – Rue Belliard 15-17, 1040 Brussels, Belgium


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